
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Refusing the refused

Refusing the refused
I have been preparing for the début of Salon des Refuses to take place on the first Thursday of February 2016.
I have had a number of mishaps which have forced me [in rather painful ways] to re-examine my motivations for this performance.

On closer and deeper examination I have become aware that my motivations are not sound, I therefore pull the plug on this piece.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Salon des Refuses 2016 rationale

pantone 354c chroma key green
Salon des Refuses [exhibition of rejects]

Over the past few years I have been applying for artist residencies, sending out portfolios to galleries for representation and entering art competitions. After being rejected and ignored numerous times I am left with feelings ranging from utter despair to anger and rage. I feel utterly dissed by the art establishment, the academy.
The rejections I have taken very personally and the feelings I’m left with need a creative outlet other than elaborate suicides or genocides. Salon des Refuses sits with uncomfortable feelings of rejection, fear, anger, rage, frustration, powerlessness, marginalization, exclusion, being ignored, terror of poverty and the tension or complex of feelings arising from a gut wrenching need for external validation and approval [realizing this erroneous belief ] and still needing to forge a living.

Salon des Refuses stands for and sits with the marginalized.

Key to understanding:
Salon des Refuses: 
An exhibition in Paris in 1863. This show was assembled after protests by artists who had been reject by the official academy.
Every year the academy would have its official salon [exhibition]. That year two thirds of the work was rejected. Noticeably some of the early Impressionists; work which later became to be seen as the vanguard of the avant-garde. Acceptance into the official Salon ensured an artist commissions and social acclaim.

Green suit:
In film Chroma key green is traditional used as a colour which can be edited out in post-production, this means that something else can be ‘Photoshopped’ in. In this case ‘Photoshop’ any marginalized person.

Yarn is made from tearing away margins of documents from various art galleries, or events which have led to rejection [e.g. documents for application for residencies].
The marginalized.

Knitting needles:
Sherbet coloured  dildo cable needles; fuck it.

Sites of performance:
Outside venues/places of rejection on First Thursdays [social event during which galleries remain open until late in the evening].

Performed over a year, marking all seasons and weather on first Thursday of each month. 

Monday 18 January 2016

QR code

Sherbet coloured dildo knitting needles process

Dildo knitting needles cast in semi flexible poly-urethane from a bought dildo. The circle needles [purple and orange set with green cord] are the most comfortable to knit with.

Hunky knits